IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Student Paper Contest 2015

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Dear IEEE Student Members,

It is with great pleasure we are inviting you to participate in IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference Student Paper Contest 2015. The submission deadline for full papers is May 15, 2015 June 3, 2015. Please find the below information to participate:


Below are the basic criteria to participate:

  • Authors must be an IEEE student members or IEEE graduate student members.
  • If the submission is made by a team of students, at least one of them must be an IEEE student member at the time of submission and an IEEE member at the time of the conference.
  • The paper must be entirely student work and completed before they have received their degree.
  • The work must be novel and should not have been previously submitted or published anywhere.


IEEE GHTC SPC 2015 aims at providing wide and broad scope to the papers.

  • Papers should cover technical and engineering aspects on a subject aligned with the IEEE GHTC conference track.
  • The work need not be original in content, but should be original in treatment and concise in coverage of the author’s contribution to the subject.
  • Papers should be a maximum of 5 pages including figures, using a minimum 10-point font and should include proper citation of the referenced works of others
  • Use of IEEE manuscript template is recommended :

For more information, please consult the Rules for the Student Paper Contest.


Submit the abstract of the paper first then full paper online through the IEEE GHTC Review Room with the author names(s) and Universities/Colleges removed. If you have any questions about the contest please email Ramesh Nair (, the Student Activities Chair of GHTC 2015.

If you have any issues with submitting through Review Room, please email Akshay Menon (


IEEE GHTC SPC 2015 paper submission deadline is May 15, 2015 June 3, 2015. Papers submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

See Dates and Deadlines for list of key dates.


An international jury will review the written papers without knowledge of the identity of the authors or their school. The top 5 papers will be selected after initial review and will be invited to Seattle, USA for presentation at GHTC 2015. Three best papers will be selected from the final presentation at the conference and will receive the following awards:

1st Prize: 750 US$ + Appreciation Certificate

2nd Prize: 500 US$ + Appreciation Certificate

3rd Prize: 250 US$ + Appreciation Certificate

For more information on judging guidelines, please consult the Rules for the Student Paper Contest.

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