IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Access to GHTC 2020 Plenary Sessions


The GHTC 2020 Organizing Committee is  pleased to announce

FREE ACCESS to GHTC 2020 PLENARY SESSIONS (Registration required)

The Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) is the flagship IEEE forum for presenting and discussing humanitarian technology innovation and deployment. The technical focus of the Conference is complemented by an integrated understanding of broader contexts—economics, policy, culture, environment—that impact successful humanitarian technology implementation.

The 10th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2020) will share practical technology-enabled solutions addressing needs of underserved communities in resource constrained environments around the world in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

GHTC 2020 takes place from Thursday October 29 through mid-afternoon Sunday November 1. See the preliminary program schedule here. Note: Time Zone is PT (e.g. +3 ET, +8 GMT+1). Note time change from PDT to PST on November 1.

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Global Humanitarian Technology – What Is It?


Virtual Lunch Presentation
Date: Friday October 23, 2020; High Noon PT
Live Stream from Seattle Washington

Join us for a presentation on Global Humanitarian Technologies. Find out what global humanitarian technology is and how you can play a vital role in saving and improving thousands of lives, making healthier humans and providing services and help for people that do not have lighting when they go to bed or clean water to drink when they are thirsty.

We will discuss:
1. New and innovative technologies that are present today and being used throughout the globe to help save and improve thousands of lives
2. Clean water, electrification, communications Network, Emergency Response
3. Creation of technologies and deployment of systems to remote areas
4. Who is part of the team? How can you help? Who is being helped?
5. How simple devices can be deployed to improve the lives of many
6. IEEE Smart Cities will present a simple power grid technology & deployment
7. When is the next global humanitarian technology conference? Where is it?

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Registration Open for GHTC 2020

Registration for GHTC 2020 is now Open.

Early Registration Extended to 28-September

NEW – reduced attendees rates: $300 IEEE Member & $100 IEEE Student/LM

The 10th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2020) is an international flagship conference sharing practical technology enabled solutions addressing the needs of underserved populations and resource constrained environments around the world and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).

GHTC 2020 will have an exciting and varied program of workshops, panels, keynotes and technical presentations.

GHTC 2020 takes place ONLINE (PT) from Thursday October 29 through mid-afternoon Sunday November 1. See the preliminary program schedule here.

Click button to go to registration page to view options and fees; special 10th Anniversary Discounts are courtesy of support from Financial Patrons, including IEEE HAC and IEEE Seattle Section.
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Preliminary Speaker Announcement

Toshio Fukuda

Toshio Fukuda
2020 IEEE President & CEO

Topic: “Advancing Technology for Humanity”

Toshio Fukuda is a professor of mechatronics engineering at Meijo University in Nagoya, Japan. He is also a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology and professor emeritus at Nagoya University. His research focuses on intelligent robotic systems and micro-nano robotics. He has published more than 2,000 articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings, and reports.

An IEEE Fellow, Toshio was director of IEEE Region 10 in 2013 and 2014 and IEEE Division X director/delegate in 2001 and 2002, and 2017 and 2018. He was president of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society in 1988 and 1989 and general chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics from 1990 to 2012. He has served on several IEEE boards and committees.

He graduated from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan and received the Master of Engineering degree and the Doctor of Engineering degree both from the University of Tokyo. He joined the National Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in Japan in 1977, the Science University of Tokyo in 1981, and then joined Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan in 1989.

Kathy Land

Susan (Kathy) Land
IEEE President-elect 2020

Topic: “IEEE’s Humanitarian Efforts”

As a Program Manager for a United States Federal Government agency. Ms. Land has served three terms on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Board of Directors. She served as a member of the IEEE-USA Board of Directors (2013, 2016), as a member of Region 3 Executive Committee (2016, 2017), was President of the IEEE Computer Society in 2009. She has more than 30 years of industry experience in the application of software engineering methodologies, the management of information systems, and leadership of software development teams.

Ms. Land is IEEE President-Elect, an IEEE Fellow, and is the author or co-author of a number of texts, papers, webinars all supporting sound software engineering principles and practical application of software process methodologies.

For additional information:



Melissa Sassi

Melissa Sassi
IEEE Digital Intelligence Working Group

Topic: “DQ, a measure for determining one’s digital intelligence”



Join this session led by Melissa Sassi, Chief Penguin of IBM Z and Chair of IEEE’s Digital Intelligence Working Group, to learn about the first global standard for digital skills and readiness that was recently endorsed by the IEEE Standards Board. We know what IQ means, right? We also have a definition for EQ, thanks to Daniel Goleman. Now, the world welcomes DQ, a measure for determining one’s digital intelligence. In this session, we will take a journey through the following competencies: (1) digital citizen identity, (2) usage and screen time, (3) safety and cyberbullying, (4) cyber security, (5) emotional intelligence and empathy, (6) communication and digital footprint, (7) literacy and critical thinking, and (8) rights and privacy management. See you there!


As IBM Z’s Chief Penguin, Melissa created her own IBM penguin title and leads Student & Entrepreneur Experience worldwide. She’s a Call for Code Judge focused on solving the world’s challenges via tech innovation. Prior to IBM, Melissa was an energy and internet access impact investor at Microsoft. As Founder & CEO of MentorNations, Melissa created a youth-led digital skills movement teaching tens of thousands of youth to code in twelve countries. She’s Chair of IEEE’s Digital Intelligence Working Group & Founding Member of Coalition for Digital Intelligence with WEF, OECD, IEEE & DQ Institute. She holds several Board positions in digital inclusion nonprofits. As a PhD candidate, she researches the digital inclusion of underserved communities. She serves on a UN Round Table for the High-Level Panel for Digital Cooperation & is an avid speaker on digital skills, tech entrepreneurship, community building, youth empowerment, imposter syndrome & personal branding.

Final CFP Extension GHTC 2020


Due to numerous requests from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made a FINAL deadline extension to June 15 midnight PT.  No further bulk extension. It is best to ensure you have registered the paper even if you can’t get it uploaded, as we can always do a paper-specific deadline adjustment if justified.

Note there are three options for each Track: Oral-only, Short Papers and regular.
Oral – 1 to 2 pages PDF extended abstract,
Short – 3 or 4 pages PDF,
regular – 4 to 8 pages PDF.

We are also accepting proposals for Special Sessions (panels, workshops, demos, etc). 1-8 pages, any format PDF. If the Special Session will contains papers, they must be submitted separately.

See the CFP page for details and the Authors page for formatting and submission.

NOTE: Papers submitted by the earlier deadlines (May 1, May 15)  have and will be assigned for review with Final papers due July 3. June 15 papers will be reviewed with goal of acceptance notification by July 3 and Final papers by July 31. Author registration deadline is July 31.

The IEEE HAC has notified us that we are eligible for Scholarship funding, although the details have not yet been fully worked out.

Action plans are now in place to support a Hybrid Conference (combining both virtual and physical participation) should the impact of COVID-19 prevent presenters and delegates from traveling to attend the conference. We have passed on committing to a venue as it is not possible to predict if the pandemic will be stable by the time of the conference.


GHTC 2020 is sponsored by the IEEE Region 6, Seattle Section and SSIT, with technical sponsorship by the IEEE CTS (was CES), EMBS, MTT, PES, Smart Village Initiative, and IEEE-USA; with support from the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee.

GHTC 2020 Student Poster Contest



The IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Student Poster Competition is planned for October 29, 2020 during GHTC 2020 with online delivery mode.

The deadline for submitting an abstract for the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Student Poster Competition is October 2, 2020 October 19, 2020 (extended). Please see Student Poster Flyer.

Students are invited to send ideas or designs for developing projects/products supporting the Key focus areas of GHTC 2020 including (but are not limited to):

  1. Affordable & Clean Energy
  2. Agriculture & Food Security
  3. Clean Water & Sanitation
  4. Connectivity & Communication in Support of Development
  5. Good Health and Well Being
  6. Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery
  7. Quality Education
  8. Other Related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Action plans are now in place to support a Hybrid Conference (combining both physical and virtual participation) should the impact of COVID-19 prevent some presenters and delegates travelling to attend the conference.

Link for GHTC Website: details on contest and rules

For additional information please contact Mostafa Mortezaie at


Updated 9-October

IEEE Humanitarian Funding Opportunity for COVID-19 Projects

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in an unprecedented manner, and as such, the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) has adapted its requirements to better enable IEEE volunteers to contribute. For that reason, IEEE HAC and SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology) Projects will join forces to prioritize proposals that have a strong potential for immediate impact in the fight against COVID-19. Ideally, projects will have good connections with local IEEE OUs and engage a significant number of IEEE members.

Rolling Submission until until 15 May 2020

Proposals may be submitted and will be reviewed continuously through 15 May. An expedited review process will allow selected projects to get started right away.

Call for Proposals

IEEE HAC & SIGHT Projects 2020 Special Call for Proposals related to COVID-19

How to Apply

Please submit via the IEEE HAC Online Funding Opportunities Portal.

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