IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025


IEEE Copyright Policy

Prior to publication by the IEEE, all authors or their employers shall transfer to the IEEE in writing any copyright they hold for their individual papers. Such transfer shall be a necessary requirement for publication, except for material in the public domain or which is reprinted with permission from a copyrighted publication.

Copyright transfer is accomplished by filling out and filing with the conference, the IEEE copyright form.

GHTC has enabled the EDAS IEEE eCopyright function (ECF). With ECF, authors are redirected to an IEEE web site and fill in the IEEE copyright form on the web. The ECF then reports completion of the web form to EDAS, allowing the author to upload the form. Thus, authors do not have to print, fill out and upload copyright forms manually.

Authors of accepted papers can submit copyright forms via the (c) link under Copyright in the EDAS ‘My Papers’ tab.

A link can also be found on each paper page.

If you are an author that requires using a third-party agreement based on your employment or funding, please email supplying the paper title, conference name, the EDAS paper ID, and a copy of the signed agreement.

Details regarding IEEE copyright can be found here. See for full references.

Copyright forms are due by the Final submission date.


Copyright is one of a group of intellectual property rights (or laws) that are intended to protect the interests of an author or copyright owner. These laws give an author/owner nearly exclusive control over the use of his/her work. In particular, copyright protects the specific expression of an idea (e.g., the specific wording of your text) but not the idea itself. Copyright comes into existence the moment a work (an article, a book, a computer program, an email, a symphony, a sculpture, etc.) is first fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

When an author signs the IEEE Copyright Form, he/she is transferring ownership of the copyright rights in the work to the IEEE. In other words, the IEEE becomes owner of the paper when the author signs, dates and submits an IEEE Copyright Form.

The author’s copyright status is determined to a large extent by the type of employer for whom the author works.

  • If you are employed in academia (or a student) or in industry you sign under the “General Terms” on the Form.
  • If you are employed by the U.S. Government, and you are the sole author of your paper, then you should sign the “U.S. Government Employee Certification.”
  • If you are employed by the U.S. Government, but your coauthors are in private industry, then one of your coauthors should sign under the “General Terms” on the Form.
  • If you are the sole author and you are employed by a Crown Government (or if you and your coauthors are Crown government employees), then copyright to your paper will remain with the Crown government. You should to sign the “Crown Copyright Certification.”
  • If you are employed by a Crown government, but your coauthor is in private industry, then your coauthor should sign under the “General Terms” on the Form.

Author Posting Policy

The IEEE Publication Services & Products Board has approved revisions to IEEE’s author posting policy (Section 8.1.9 of the PSPB Operations Manual). The revised policy reaffirms the principle that authors are free to post the accepted version of their articles on their personal Web sites or those of their employers. (Authors of IEEE open access articles may freely post the final version of their papers.) The policy provides that IEEE will make available to each author a pre-print version of that person’s article that includes the Digital Object Identifier, IEEE’s copyright notice, and a notice showing the article has been accepted for publication. The policy also states that authors are allowed to post versions of their articles on approved third-party servers that are operated by not-for-profit organizations.

For questions contact:

Bill Hagen, Manager
IEEE Intellectual Property Rights
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
+1 732 562 3966 (phone)
+1 732 562 1746 (fax)