GHTC 2023 is pleased to announce the preliminary conference program.
The 13th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2023) will take place in person at Villanova University (Pennsylvania) from October 11 to 14, 2023.
Registration is open – Early rates extended to September 26. See the GHTC 2023 Registration page for details on fees and options.
[Note that the participating GHTC hotels have various deadlines for making reservations at their GHTC rates. See]
See the GHTC 2023 Program pages for details.
GHTC is a flagship international conference supporting achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), bringing together people working on the application of technology to addressing critical issues for the benefit of the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world.
GHTC focuses of these sustainable goals:
- Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7)
- Agriculture and Food Security (SDG2)
- Communication/Connectivity in Support of Development
- Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery
- Quality Education (SDG4)
- Good Health and Well Being (SDG3)
- Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG6)
- Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8)
- Technologies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (SDG5)
- Technology Impacts on Societal Evolution
Why Attend?
- Participate in an extensive, vibrant, and innovative technical program
- Learn from world-class knowledgeable practitioners working in the field
- Exchange information, share experiences and network with attendees actively involved in the fields
- Gain visibility and recognition for your humanitarian work, projects and ideas
- Find new resources and potential partners or investors
GHTC 2023 features:
Pre Conference Workshops
Energy Access Educators Workshop
October 10-11, 2023
The Inn at Villanova
This two-day workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) brings together educators, practitioners, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders in the domains of electricity access and associated sustainable business model development.
Registration required; see here for details.
GHTC 2023 Pre-Conference Workshops on Wednesday, October 11
Included with GHTC 2023 registration.
- A Roadmap for Geospatial Analysis, presented by Mathworks, 2:30-4:00 PM
- Exploring Challenges in Education and Research When Advancing Technology for Humanitarian Efforts, presented by Elsevier, 4:00-5:00 PM
GHTC Pre-Conference Souk
Wednesday October 11 5:00-9:00 pm
Light food/cash bar from 6:30-8:30 pm
GHTC 2023 is reinventing the opening reception. The GHTC 2023 souk (‘open air bazaar’) will commence at 6:30PM on Wednesday October 11th in the ballroom of The Inn at Villanova University. All attendees are urged/encouraged to arrive with material to post.
GHTC 2023 registration not required, but pre-registration required for display space, sign-up here.
Plenary and Keynote Sessions
World renowned speakers:
- Opening Session – October 12:
Jordan Ermilio, Villanova University
Varun Loomba, Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE)
Mou Riiny, SunGate Solar Ltd, South Sudan
- Conference Banquet – October 13:
Dr. Krista Donaldson, Stanford University
IEEE Humanitarian Panel (1230 – 1400 on October 12)
Stephanie Gillespie, EPICS in IEEE Committee Chair
Kit August, IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board
Ed Rezek, IEEE Smart Village
Connectivity Panel (0800 – 1000 on October 13)
Mei Lin Fung, People-Centered Internet
Chris Clement Igiraneza, KIT-HUB
Young Professionals Panel (1030 – 1230 on October 13)
Kory Hansen, Counterpart International
Wayne Lifshitz, Chemonics Inc
Ben Savonen, Global Development Incubator
Technical Sessions
Over 80 papers in 10 tracks; on-site and remote presentations.
See preliminary program schedule in EDAS.
- Jordan Ermilio
- Varun Loomba
- Krista Donaldson
- Stephanie Gillespie
- Kit August
- Mei Lin Fung
- Chris Clement Igiraneza
- Kory Hansen
- Wayne Lifshitz
- Ben Savonen