IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

IEEE GHTC 2019 – Networking and Community Building


From: Prof. Paul M Cunningham, GHTC 2019 Conference Chair

Dear Colleagues,

We are all very excited now that the Advance Programme has been published, and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Seattle in October. Find detailed information on the program on our newly updated website.


We hope that you will be able to schedule your time to arrive on Thursday and go home on Sunday afternoon or evening.

This will allow you to actively participate in networking, knowledge sharing and community building opportunities throughout the conference:

  • Complementary Workshops and undergraduate Student Poster Competition Thursday afternoon;
  • Young Professionals Reception on Thursday evening – TBC;
  • Networking session with cash bar on Friday evening;
  • Networking session with cash bar followed by Subsidised Networking Dinner on Saturday evening), and
  • A number of interesting thematic and unconference sessions scheduled on Sunday morning.

Our objective is to make it easier for presenters and delegates alike to engage with their peers in specific thematic areas of interest, exchange knowledge and experience as well as good practices, and build collaboration opportunities.

First, we are extending the time dedicated to the Plenary Panels this year, to allow more time not just for Q&A, but also for delegates to share experiences and insight related to “Disaster Recovery, Disadvantaged Communities and Displaced People” on Friday morning and “Health-Related Issues in Resource Constrained Environments” on Saturday morning.

Second, we are also extending the time dedicated to Networking Lunches on Friday and Saturday, both of which will incorporate short keynotes. We would like to invite you to consider sitting at tables dedicated to your specific thematic interests to make it easier to engage with other people with similar interests throughout the conference. Feel free to move tables if you are interested in collaboration and knowledge sharing in more than one field.

Third, on Sunday morning as well as interesting Health, Disaster Mitigation and Energy (Smart Village) presentation sessions, we are also making rooms available for World Café and Knowledge Café type semi-structured discussions. While some of the topics to be discussed will be identified based on key issues raised during the conference, please let us know if there are specific topics you would like to propose could be incorporated into these Unconference Sessions.

IEEE GHTC 2019 is Financially Co-Sponsored by IEEE Region 6, IEEE Seattle Section and IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE-USA, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society and IEEE Smart Village Initiative, and supported by IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee.

DELEGATE REGISTRATION (Early Bird Deadline 19 September)

While you can of course register at any time, if you would like to take advantage of the discounted Advance Registration Fee, please complete your registration by 19 September (23:59 Pacific Standard Time).

Please also remember to book accommodation before the Conference Hotel Discounted Rate (deadline 24-September) is sold out.

Ed, Silvia, Henry and I (and the rest of the Organising Committee) very much look forward to seeing you in Seattle in October.

Best wishes

Prof. Paul M Cunningham
Conference Chair, IEEE GHTC 2019