IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Winners 2013


Winners of the Photos Contest as announced at the Conference.

First Place: Vijaya Lakshmi 2 (India)

Vijaya Lakshmi 2Caption: From Darkness to Light

Description: The solar initiative aims to test and demonstrate the utility of solar applications to meet the power requirements of the Common Service Centres (CSCs) established in remote areas of the country and provide lighting opportunities to the communities they serve, based on a revenue model. A user from Jammu and Kashmir is shown in the photo with the solar lantern she rents from CSCs to light her home.







Second Place: Julian O’Shea 1 (Australia)

Julian O'Shea 1Caption: Brighter Future through Appropriate Technology

Description: Engineers Without Borders member Alanta Colley and local children build a solar cooker as part of NAIDOC Week – a celebration of Australian Aboriginal Culture at Yorta Yorta Nation – Victoria.












Third Place: Alex Moseson 6 (USA)

Alex Moseson 6Caption: The Mechanics

Description: A group of self-taught mechanics in remote Bo Klua, Thailand brainstorm design improvements for an ergonomic labor-saving planter with Drexel Thai Harvest founder Alex Moseson.