IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

GHTC 2020 Call for Papers Deadline Extended


The submission deadline for papers for GHTC 2020 has been extended to May 1 May 15.

See the CFP page for details.

Action plans are now in place to support a Hybrid Conference (combining both physical and virtual participation) should the impact of COVID-19 prevent some presenters and delegates travelling to attend the conference.

NOTE: we are accepting proposals for Special Sessions (up to 8 pages)

Reviews: all submissions received by the first deadline of 31-March will be assigned for reviews. Subsequent submissions will be assigned for reviews every 2 weeks (2 batches).


GHTC 2020 is sponsored by the IEEE Region 6, Seattle Section and SSIT, with technical sponsorship by the IEEE CTS (was CES), EMBS, MTT, PES, Smart Village Initiative, and IEEE-USA; with support from the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee.


Top 50 most popular papers from GHTC proceedings


As of year-end 2019, these are the 50 most popular papers (by downloads) from all published GHTC proceedings in IEEE Xplore.

(Total downloads of all papers – thru 2019 – since 1st GHTC 2011:  333,786)

Project power shoe: Piezoelectric wireless power transfer — A mobile charging techniqueP Joses Paul ; R Samuel Desmond Tutu ; W Kevin Richards ; V Maria Jerome2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 334 - 339
Disaster management in India — An analysis using COBIT 5 principlesChippi Mohanan ; Vivek Menon2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 209 - 212
Development of a power source for rural electriciationDavid Xu ; Nicholas S. Powers ; Worawut Sae-Kok2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 340 - 347
OpenPLC: An open source alternative to automationThiago Rodrigues Alves ; Mario Buratto ; Flavio Mauricio de Souza ; Thelma Virginia RodriguesIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 585 - 589
Development and evaluation of solar powered sprayer with multi-purpose applicationsD. Yallappa ; Vijayakumar Palled ; M. Veerangouda ; Sushilendra2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 1 - 6
Access to prosthetic devices in developing countries: Pathways and challengesMartin Marino ; Shaan Pattni ; Max Greenberg ; Alex Miller ; Emma Hocker ; Sarah Ritter ; Khanjan Mehta2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 45 - 51
A review of current upper-limb prostheses for resource constrained settingsBrienna Phillips ; Gabrielle Zingalis ; Sarah Ritter ; Khanjan Mehta2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 52 - 58
Characteristics of a 3D-printed prosthetic hand for use in developing countriesCorinne Dally ; Daniel Johnson ; Moriah Canon ; Sarah Ritter ; Khanjan Mehta2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 66 - 70
Optical sensing system for detecting water adulteration in milkAditya Dave ; Dishant Banwari ; Satyam Srivastava ; Shashikant Sadistap2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 634 - 639
Determining the effects of load-shedding on residential electricity consumption using meter data — A case study of Kitwe, Zambia D. Mulongoti ; G. Mugala ; B. Kumwenda ; H. Louie2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 488 - 494
Magnetic Resonance Coupling Modelling for Electric Vehicles Wireless ChargingErhuvwu Ayisire ; Adel El-Shahat ; Adel Sharaf2018 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2018, Page(s): 1 - 2
IoT Sensor Network Approach for Smart Farming: An Application in Food, Energy and Water System Yemeserach Mekonnen ; Lamar Burton ; Arif Sarwat ; Shekhar Bhansali2018 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2018, Page(s): 1 - 5
Development and evaluation of drone mounted sprayer for pesticide applications to cropsD. Yallappa ; M. Veerangouda ; Devanand Maski ; Vijayakumar Palled ; M. Bheemanna2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2017, Page(s): 1 - 7
High quality, low cost education with the Raspberry Pi Narasimha Saii Yamanoor ; Srihari Yamanoor2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2017, Page(s): 1 - 5
IoT-enabled air quality monitoring device: A low cost smart health solutionAkshata Tapashetti ; Divya Vegiraju ; Tokunbo Ogunfunmi2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 682 - 685
Electronic load controller (ELC) design and simulation for remote rural communities: A powerhouse ELC compatible with household distributed-ELCs in NepalJ. Chan ; W. Lubitz2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 360 - 367
Smart irrigation using low-cost moisture sensors and XBee-based communicationA. Kumar ; K. Kamal ; M. O. Arshad ; S. Mathavan ; T. VadamalaIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 333 - 337
Automated microscopy and machine learning for expert-level malaria field diagnosisCharles B. Delahunt ; Courosh Mehanian ; Liming Hu ; Shawn K. McGuire ; Cary R. Champlin ; Matthew P. Horning ; Benjamin K. Wilson ; Clay M. Thompon2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 393 - 399
MedizDroids Project: Ultra-low cost, low-altitude, affordable and sustainable UAV multicopter drones for mosquito vector control in malaria disease management John-Thones Amenyo ; Daniel Phelps ; Olajide Oladipo ; Folly Sewovoe-Ekuoe ; Sangeeta Jadoonanan ; Sandeep Jadoonanan ; Tahseen Tabassum ; Salim Gnabode ; Tanging D Sherpa ; Michael Falzone ; Abrar Hossain ; Aerren KublalIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 590 - 596
New aspect for organic farming practices: Controlled crop nutrition and soilless agricultureP.J. Mahesh ; Minhas Naheem ; Razak Mubafar ; S Shyba ; Sunitha Beevi2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 819 - 824
Domestic electric consumers response to load-shedding: A case study of Kitwe, Zambia Robert Ngoma ; Abel Tambatamba ; Benta Oyoo ; Henry Louie2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 481 - 487
Simplified modeling of a PV panel by using PSIM and its comparison with laboratory test resultsAdil Salman ; Arthur Williams ; Hanya Amjad ; M. Kamran Liaqat Bhatti ; M. Saad2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 360 - 364
3D printing for disaster preparedness: Making life-saving supplies on-site, on-demand, on-time Srinivas Saripalle ; Humanitarian Maker ; Abi Bush ; Naiomi Lundman2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 205 - 208
Development of double burner smart electric stove powered by solar photovoltaic energyS. Siddiqua ; S. Firuz ; B. M. Nur ; R. J. Shaon ; S. J. Chowdhury ; A. Azad2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 451 - 458
LIFESUIT Exoskeleton Gives the Gift of Walking so They Shall WalkMonty K ReedIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 382 - 385
Applications of Wood's Lamp technology to detect skin infections in resource-constrained settingsHolly Cardillo ; Jennifer Kohler ; Ellie Kriner ; Khanjan MehtaIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 548 - 554
Off-grid, low-cost, electrical sun-car system for developing countries Otward M. Mueller ; Eduard K. MuellerIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 14 - 17
Supporting immunization programs with improved vaccine cold chain information systemsRichard Anderson ; Trevor Perrier ; Fahad Pervaiz ; Norasingh Sisouveth ; Bharath Kumar ; Sompasong Phongphila ; Ataur Rahman ; Ranjit Dhiman ; Sophie NewlandIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 215 - 222
Internet of Things (IoT): A relief for Indian farmersNishant Kumar Verma ; Adil Usman2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 831 - 835
MyVox—Device for the communication between people: blind, deaf, deaf-blind and unimpaired Fernando Ramirez-Garibay ; Cesar Millan Olivarria ; Alejandro Federico Eufracio Aguilera ; Joel C. HuegelIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 506 - 509
Multi-Stage Organic Water Filter systemEobin Alex George ; Gaurav TiwariIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 458 - 461
Global social acceptance of prosthetic devicesAdam Arabian ; Dante Varotsis ; Caitlin McDonnell ; Elinor Meeks2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 563 - 568
Autonomous OCR dictating system for blind peopleChristos Liambas ; Miltiadis Saratzidis2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 172 - 179
Simulation Study of Load Frequency Control of Single and Two Area SystemsAdil Usman ; BP Divakar2012 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology ConferencePublication Year: 2012, Page(s): 214 - 219
Application and modification of Design for Manufacture and Assembly principles for the developing worldAmy E. Wood ; Charles D. Wood ; Christopher A. MattsonIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 451 - 457
Energy storage integrated solar stove: A case of solar Injera baking in EthiopiaAsfafaw Haileselassie Tesfay ; Ole Jorgen Nydal ; Mulu Bayray KahsayIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 659 - 666
The IncuLight: Solar-powered infant incubatorVirginia Hall ; Eric Geise ; Nasser H KashouIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 223 - 226
Solar based lemon grass essential oil distillation for sustainability and livelihood in tribal communityUdaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula ; Sriram Devanathan ; Renjith Mohan2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 738 - 744
RFID based vehicle identification during collisionsNayan Jeevagan ; Pallavi Santosh ; Rishabh Berlia ; Shubham KandoiIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 716 - 720
Sustainable development through the use of solar energy for productive processes: The Ayllu Solar ProjectPaulina Ramirez-Del-Barrio ; Patricio Mendoza-Araya ; Felipe Valencia ; Gonzalo León ; Lorena Cornejo-Ponce ; Marcia Montedonico ; Guillermo Jiménez-Estévez2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2017, Page(s): 1 - 8
High yield groundnut agronomy: An IoT based precision farming frameworkP. Rekha ; Venkata Prasanna Rangan ; Maneesha V. Ramesh ; K. V. Nibi2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2017, Page(s): 1 - 5
LED street lighting as a strategy for climate change mitigation at local government levelRoberto Barraza García ; Gilberto Velázquez Angulo ; Jaime Romero González ; Edith Flores Tavizón ; José Ignacio Huertas CardozoIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 345 - 349
Technologies for rehabilitation: Problems and opportunities in the Physiotherapy Clinic at PUC Minas - BrazilAngélica Rodrigues Araujo ; Márcia L. Drumond das Chagas e Vallone ; Isabella Cristina Dante Perdigão ; Sara Gladys Fernandes Amaral ; Thelma Virginia Rodrigues ; Carlos Augusto Paiva da Silva Martins ; Plínio Soares Paolinelli MacielIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 402 - 407
Vortex Bladeless Wind Generator for Nano-GridsAdel El-Shahat ; Md-Mehedi Hasan ; Yan Wu2018 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2018, Page(s): 1 - 2
Modular converter system for low-cost off-grid energy storage using second life li-ion batteriesChristoph R. Birkl ; Damien F. Frost ; Adrien M. Bizeray ; Robert R. Richardson ; David A. HoweyIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 192 - 199
Project Stay AlertNayan Jeevagan ; Pallavi Santosh ; Rishabh Berlia ; Shubham KandoiIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 711 - 715
ICT based solutions for education in rural India- A case studyJineet DoshiIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 302 - 306
Economically designed solar car for developing countries (Pakistan)M. Farooq ; Adil Salman ; Sohaib Ahmad Siddiqui ; M. Ibrahim Khalil ; Wasim MukhtarIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 356 - 360
Monitoring system for deep-seated landslides using locally-developed tilt and moisture sensors: System improvements and experiences from real world deploymentJoel S. Marciano ; Calvin G. Hilario ; Mary Ann B. Zabanal ; Earl V. Mendoza ; Brian L. Gumiran ; BenJeMar F. Flores ; Mark O. Peña ; Kennex H. RazonIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 263 - 270
Deep Learning Based Image Classification for Remote Medical DiagnosisJuliana Shihadeh ; Anaam Ansari ; Tokunbo Ozunfunmi2018 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2018, Page(s): 1 - 8
Reported from IEEE Xplore thru 2019


Top cited papers from GHTC

As of year-end 2019, these are the top cited papers from all published GHTC proceedings :

Smart irrigation using low-cost moisture sensors and XBee-based communicationA. Kumar ; K. Kamal ; M. O. Arshad ; S. Mathavan ; T. VadamalaIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 333 - 337 Cited by: Papers (17)
OpenPLC: An open source alternative to automationThiago Rodrigues Alves ; Mario Buratto ; Flavio Mauricio de Souza ; Thelma Virginia RodriguesIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 585 - 589 Cited by: Papers (16)
A review of current upper-limb prostheses for resource constrained settingsBrienna Phillips ; Gabrielle Zingalis ; Sarah Ritter ; Khanjan Mehta2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 52 - 58 Cited by: Papers (13)
MedizDroids Project: Ultra-low cost, low-altitude, affordable and sustainable UAV multicopter drones for mosquito vector control in malaria disease management John-Thones Amenyo ; Daniel Phelps ; Olajide Oladipo ; Folly Sewovoe-Ekuoe ; Sangeeta Jadoonanan ; Sandeep Jadoonanan ; Tahseen Tabassum ; Salim Gnabode ; Tanging D Sherpa ; Michael Falzone ; Abrar Hossain ; Aerren KublalIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 590 - 596 Cited by: Papers (12)
Modular converter system for low-cost off-grid energy storage using second life li-ion batteriesChristoph R. Birkl ; Damien F. Frost ; Adrien M. Bizeray ; Robert R. Richardson ; David A. HoweyIEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014)Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 192 - 199 Cited by: Papers (12)
Simulation Study of Load Frequency Control of Single and Two Area SystemsAdil Usman ; BP Divakar2012 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology ConferencePublication Year: 2012, Page(s): 214 - 219 Cited by: Papers (11)
IoT-enabled air quality monitoring device: A low cost smart health solutionAkshata Tapashetti ; Divya Vegiraju ; Tokunbo Ogunfunmi2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 682 - 685 Cited by: Papers (10)
Reported from IEEE Xplore thru 2019


GHTC 2020 Call for Papers


CFP Deadline Extended to 1-May.

Download PDF CFP flyer

Conference Dates: October 29 – November 1, 2020
Venue: Hilton Seattle Airport

This year we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference Series, sharing practical technology-enabled solutions addressing needs of underserved communities in resource constrained environments around the world in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Stakeholders from the public, private, education and research, societal, funding and donor sectors are invited to submit papers (or proposals for oral presentations) sharing Sustainable Development, ICT4D and Humanitarian Technology related insights, experiences, good practices and lessons learnt from a research, policy, practitioner and/or community perspective.  Papers should present analysis of initial or final research results or a case study. General project descriptions are not appropriate.

Submissions by practitioners (governmental, for-profit and non-profit), academics, private sector actors and policy makers describing intervention design and implementation, field experiences and best practices, case studies, project monitoring and evaluation results, and original research are of particular interest. Paper submissions should include results that have not previously been published and should not be simultaneously submitted to another conference or journal.

IEEE GHTC 2020 Thematic areas include (but are not limited to):

  1. Affordable & Clean Energy (SDG7): Generation, and Distribution of Renewable Energy; Off-grid Energy for Lighting, Cooking and Heating.
  2. Agriculture & Food Security (SDG2): Agricultural Technologies, Irrigation and Farming Practices.
  3. Clean Water & Sanitation (SDG6): Clean Water; Sanitation; Solid Waste Management; Disease Vector Control; Drainage and Hygiene.
  4. Connectivity & Communication in Support of Development: Communication and Information Technologies, Systems, and Applications; Social Media and Its Application;
  5. Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8): Entrepreneurship Programs (including social entrepreneurship), Sustainable Business Models, Social Enterprises, Workforce Development Programs (e.g. digital literacy programs), Innovative Business Financing Models.
  6. Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery: Disaster Planning and Preparedness; Predictive, Warning and Response Systems; Community Mobilization; Monitoring and Evaluation of Community Response.
  7. Good Health and Well Being (SDG3): Medical technology, Telemedicine, Mobile Clinics, Primary Care and Nutrition.
  8. Quality Education (SDG4): Training and Capacity Building; Programs; Methods and Service Learning.
  9. Other Related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. SDGs 9, 11, 12, 14): Humanitarian Challenges & Opportunities; Infrastructure, Information, and Human Security; Shelters; Community engagement, Capacity-building, and Behavior Change; Metrics and measurement; Technology Design, Adoption and Dissemination; Human-Centered System Design; Ocean Health and Climate Change Mitigation.

As well as describing technological aspects, submissions are encouraged to consider socio-cultural, socio-economic, environmental and policy perspectives, and how Sustainable Development related good practices such as capacity building, community ownership, Co-Design, Collaborative Open Innovation and Theory of Change are applied.

Three types of submissions are solicited for presentation at GHTC:

  • Full Papers are appropriate for mature work or completed projects and should not exceed eight pages;
  • Short Papers are appropriate for early stage projects or authors wishing to share a snapshot of results-in-progress, experiences and perspectives, and should be three to four pages in length including a short reference section.
  • Oral-Only (Poster) Presentations are appropriate for work-in-progress, projects in the pre-implementation stage as well as an option for practitioners, policy makers or community representatives who do not want to write a paper. Oral-Only submissions should be described in one or two pages (extended abstract).

NOTE: we are accepting proposals for Special Sessions (up to 8 pages)

Short Papers and Oral-Only Presentations will be accepted for presentation either during an appropriate paper session or poster session at the discretion of the Program Committee.

Accepted papers presented during the conference will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore®. A selection of accepted full papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended version to an IEEE journal.

Key Dates

Full Paper, Short Paper and Oral-only submission for review deadlineMay 15, 2020 June 15 (FINAL)
Special Sessions (e.g. demo, panel, discussion) deadlineJune 15, 2020
Notification of acceptance / revision requirementsJune 1, 2020 (for May 15) / June 30 (for June 15)
Submission of Final Full Paper/Short Paper and Oral-only PresentationJuly 3, 2020 (for May 15) / July 31 (for June 15)
Author Copyright forms deadlinesame as Final deadline
Author early registration deadlineJuly 31, 2020
Early registration deadlineAugust 14, 2020


See the conference Author Central pages for information on making a submission.


  • Conference Chair: Prof. Paul M Cunningham, IST-Africa Institute
  • Vice Chair: Ed Perkins
  • Technical Program Chair: Prof. Pritpal (“Pali”) Singh, Villanova University


GHTC 2020 is sponsored by the IEEE Region 6, Seattle Section and SSIT, with technical sponsorship by the IEEE CTS (was CES), EMBS, MTT, PES, Smart Village Initiative, and IEEE-USA, with support from the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee.


Report on IEEE GHTC 2019

Report on IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2019

Ed Perkins, V. Chair

IEEE GHTC 2019 is a world class flagship conference focused on sharing practical technology enabled solutions addressing the needs of underserved populations and resource constrained environments around the world under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The 9th GHTC was held October 17-20, 2019 in Seattle, WA, USA. See for full details on GHTC 2019 and prior conferences.

GHTC 2019 had 214 participants from 30 countries. The program featured a student poster contest, workshops, plenary panels, keynotes, 32 sessions with over 130 paper and oral presentations, and unconference sessions.

Researchers and practitioners exchanged experiences related to these topic areas:

  • Agriculture & Food Security (UN SDG2)
  • Good Health and Well Being (SDG3)
  • Quality Education (SDG4)
  • Clean Water & Sanitation (SDG6)
  • Affordable & Clean Energy (SDG7)
  • Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery
  • Communication/Connectivity in Support of Development
  • Sustainable Development (e.g. SDGs 9, 11, 12, 14)


Keynote speakers:

  • Neil Sahota, Chief Innovation Officer, University of California (Emerging Technologies Research & Policy Institute) “AI is the Disruptor: How to Wield the Tool Building the 21st Century”
  • Thomas Coughlin FIEEE, 2019 President of IEEE-USA and President, Coughlin Associates “Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Activities by IEEE Members in the USA”
  • Tess Russo, Portfolio Lead and Research Scientist at Global Good “technology development for smallholder farmers in Africa and South Asia”


Plenary Panels:

Disaster Recovery, Disadvantaged Communities and Displaced People Panel

Moderator: Ed Perkins, GHTC 2019 V. Chair

  • John Berglund, Territorial Emergency/Disaster Services Director, The Salvation Army USA
  • Stanley Atcitty, Navajo Nation
  • James Conrad, IEEE MOVE Community Outreach



Health-Related Issues in Resource Constrained Environments Panel

Moderator: Paul Cunningham, Founder and Coordinator, mHealth4Afrika Initiative & GHTC 2019 Chair

  • Tim Wood, Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Skye Gilbert, Deputy Director, Digital Health, PATH
  • Judd Walson, START Center, University of Washington



IEEE Smart Village (ISV) Energy Panel

Moderator: Alexander Anderson, Engagement Chair, IEEE Smart Village; CEO, EmpowerPack SPC

  • Robin Podmore, Co-founder and Vice-Chair, IEEE Smart Village; President, Incremental Systems Corporation
  • Ruomei Li, Secretary General (retired) of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering; Research Fellow, Tsinghua University
  • Monica L. Brown, Founder and Executive Director, Africa Development Promise
  • Olga Anderson, Education Chair, IEEE Smart Village
  • Taylor Hudson, Technical Designer, Kilowatts for Humanity

Special Events

GHTC 2019 featured several pre-conference Special Events on Thursday.

Participatory Workshop on Contributing to IEEE Sustainable Development Activities Around the World

Unconference sessions on Sustainable Development


GHTC 2019 was sponsored by IEEE Region 6, IEEE Seattle Section and IEEE SSIT (Society on Social Implications of Technology) with technical sponsorship by IEEE-USA, IEEE CES, EMBS, MTT-S, PES and IEEE Smart Village.

GHTC 2019 Patrons were the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) and Global Good (Intellectual Ventures).

GHTC 2020 will be held in Seattle on October 28-Nov. 1, 2020.

Student Poster Competition Results


Engineering Students Unveil Projects to Help Solve World’s Humanitarian Problems at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference Student Poster Competition, Seattle, WA

by Mostafa Mortezaie, GHTC 2019 Student Poster Competition Chair


Seattle, Wash. – Engineering students from around the world convened in Seattle on October 17, 2019 to present their innovative projects to solve world’s humanitarian problems by using advanced technologies to address critical issues for the benefit of the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Student Poster Competition:

Students’ projects supported key focused areas of GHTC which is in harmony with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals and include:

  1. Affordable & Clean Energy
  2. Agriculture & Food Security
  3. Clean Water & Sanitation
  4. Good Health and Well Being
  5. Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery
  6. Quality Education
  7. Other Related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Competition Winners:

Judges Award ($750)

Automated Malaria Classification System

Automated Malaria Classification System

An Internet of Things (IoT) system that provides early stage diagnosis of Malaria by utilizing smartphone with attachable inexpensive microscope using an edge computing mobile application system, with image recognition algorithm and deep learning that gives accurate counts of infected blood cells with 96% accuracy.

Authors: Wanzin Yazar (UC Berkeley), Austin Tsang (San Francisco State University)




Technical Award: $500

Hydration Automation

Hydration Automation

A low, cost, solar powered, small factor, smart, and sustainable system that monitor and manage water level and distribution in water tanks. The system is comprised of Sensing Units, Relay Units, and an Actuating Unit with a wireless communication subsystem between the units to transport data. A micro controller is used to gather and send the water tank level data over the wireless subsystem to the Actuating Unit which collects and analyze the data from all the tank sensors and controls valves or pumps to distribute the correct amount of water to different locations in the system when needed. The wireless communications subsystem uses a custom routing protocol atop a transport layer such as LoRa and a wireless physical layer utilizing RFM95 Radio Modules in the 915/916 MHz frequency band.

Authors: Peter Ferguson, Zach Cameron, Nicholas Kniveton, Will Tuttle (Santa Clara University).


People’s Choice Award: $250

Solar Energy Tracking System

Solar Energy Tracking System

A system that collect and store solar energy in an efficient way for “off-grid” application. The system uses two solar panels, six light dependent resisters (LDRs), two unipolar stepper motors, two L298 driver boards, and an ATmega328P microprocessor. The system uses the light dependent resistors to interpret the amount of light in a specific area on the system’s platform. This analog signal is then converted to a digital signal, represented by a value, ranging from 0 to 100, and is used to direct the driver boards, moving the panel to the optimum orientation. The energy collected is stored in a lithium ion battery pack for immediate or later use.

Authors: David Palmer and Janio Moreno, DeVry University


Some of the students’ projects in the competition were funded by the IEEE EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Services) and students in these projects are networking with corporate and non-profit representatives to continue to design and improve projects that have immediate application in their communities.

Judd Walson joins GHTC 2019 Health Panel


Prof. Judd Walson, START Center, University of Washington will join the GHTC 2019 Saturday plenary panel on “Health-Related Issues in Resource Constrained Environments”

The Strategic Analysis, Research & Training (START) Center is a research consulting group established in 2011 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the University of Washington (UW) Department of Global Health. Since 2011, START’s expert researchers have completed more than 150 projects for clients.

Judd Walson, MD, MPH is a Professor in the Departments of Global Health, Medicine (Allergy and Infectious Diseases), Pediatrics and Epidemiology (Adjunct). He has an extensive history of conducting large observational studies and clinical trials in Africa and Asia, including ongoing studies in Benin, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. Dr. Walson’s research focuses on studies of neglected tropical diseases, enteric and diarrheal disease, HIV and endemic co-infections, and their relationship to child survival and early childhood development. Dr. Walson is the Principal Investigator of the DeWorm3 Project, a large multi-country cluster randomized trial designed to demonstrate the feasibility of interrupting the transmission of soil-transmitted helminths and is the co-Principal Investigator of the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition Network (CHAIN). He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of observational research and clinical trials, and works closely with numerous government and non-governmental organizations. Dr. Walson has mentored over 60 post-doctoral, doctoral and masters levels trainees both in the US and overseas.

GHTC 2019 Program Guide Available

Announcing: The IEEE GHTC 2019 Program Guide and Official Schedule are now available.

Read the Welcome messages from the Chair and Program Chairs.

Check out the complementary Workshops on Thursday afternoon, the Student Poster Competition participants abstracts, the Welcome Reception and the other Special Sessions, and the plenary Keynotes and Panels.

The HAC Introduction has been moved to Friday morning: Contributing to IEEE Sustainable Development Activities Around the World

The various IEEE Smart Village workshops have been combined on Sunday Morning.

We have added Friday evening reception with an Energy Panel with participants from IEEE Smart Village. Check out their exhibit in the Northwest Ballroom.

Finally thanks to the Organizing Committee and the Program Committee and Reviewers for all their hard work in bringing you IEEE GHTC 2019.


IEEE Smart Village Session at GHTC 2019


IEEE Smart Village (ISV) is an IEEE program that supports the world’s energy-impoverished communities by providing a comprehensive solution combining renewable energy, community-based education, and entrepreneurial opportunities. ISV provides seed-funding to carefully selected community entrepreneurs based upon a credible business plan that will impact significant number of people with electricity, education and small enterprise development. See

There will be an introductory session on ISV on Sunday, October 20 from 8:30am-noon.

How to get engaged with IEEE Smart Village (ISV) as a volunteer, ambassador or entrepreneur

Moderator: Robin Podmore, Co-Founder IEEE Smart Village

Members of the IEEE Smart Village Steering committee will provide guidance on:

(1) How to volunteer on one of the ISV Committees: Technology, Education, Fund Development, Marketing, Operations
(2) The role of ISV Ambassadors and the application process
(3) How to write a proposal and receive funding as an ISV Entrepreneur

The format will be a workshop with some presentations.