IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Call for Papers 2016

GHTC 2016 Banner

Organized by IEEE Region 6 and IEEE Seattle Section

Call for Papers (Download CFP PDF here.)

Abstract or Proposal Due: April 18 May 16, 2016

The Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) is the flagship IEEE forum for presenting and discussing humanitarian technology innovation and deployment. GHTC invites presenters to highlight technologies that meet the needs of the vulnerable and resource constrained populations as well as those impacted by natural and man-made disasters. Papers should include a discussion of factors such as economics, policy, culture, and environment that impact successful humanitarian technology implementation. GHTC welcomes papers and posters on humanitarian technologies and their deployment. Proposals for case studies, panel discussions, and workshops on humanitarian technologies are welcome. We encourage participants from academia, government, industry, research and non-profit organizations, to attend, present, and exchange ideas for creation and implementation of effective humanitarian technology.

The Conference theme of “Technology for the Benefit of Humanity” is presented in nine focus areas:

  1. Energy: Generation, and Distribution of Renewable Energy; Off-grid Energy for Lighting, Cooking and Heating.
  2. Health: Medical technology, Telemedicine, Mobile Clinics, Primary Care and Nutrition.
  3. Disaster Management—Disaster Planning and Preparedness; Predictive, Warning and Response Systems; Community Mobilization; Monitoring and Evaluation of Community Response.
  4. Connectivity & Communication—Communication and Information Technologies, Systems, and Applications; Social Media and Its Application;
  5. Humanitarian Challenges & Opportunities—Logistics and Transportation; Infrastructure, Information, and Human Security; Shelters; Interagency Coordination; Human-Centered System Design; Participatory Methods and Local Economic Stimulation.
  6. Water & Sanitation—Clean Water; Sanitation; Solid Waste Management; Disease Vector Control; Drainage and Hygiene.
  7. Agriculture—Agricultural Technologies, Irrigation and Farming Practices.
  8. Education—Training and Capacity Building; Programs; Methods and Service Learning.
  9. Deployment—Scale-up, Distribution, Implementation, and Commercialization of Humanitarian Technologies.

Authors may submit the initial abstract for a paper or poster presentation; or a proposal for a case study, panel discussion, and workshop. We especially encourage the inclusion of case studies and topics that are appropriate for interactive sessions. Submission of a full paper is required after initial abstract acceptance.

Submission Schedule:

April 18
May 16
Abstract or proposal submission deadline
June 30
July 10
Draft paper submission for review
August 15 Final copy-ready paper submission deadline
  • All submissions require an abstract for initial review and acceptance, submitted online at
  • All submissions must follow content & length guidelines available at
  • Necessary revisions must be completed before final acceptance.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent via email.
  • At least one author of the accepted papers must attend and present at the conference.
  • Attendees are responsible for obtaining the proper travel visas; the conference committee will send an invitation letter on request.

Accepted and presented papers and content that meet IEEE quality review standards will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Electronic media containing all accepted GHTC abstracts and papers will be distributed to registered attendees. All presentations may be recorded.

More information on session submission requirements and deadlines, registration for the conference, hotel reservations and exhibiting is available on the GHTC website.