IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Welcome from Program Chairs


Welcome Message from the Program Chairs

The Program Committee welcomes you to the 9th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference. We are excited about this year’s conference and believe it will help advance technology for the betterment of society.

In the last 8 years, GHTC has established itself as the main conference on humanitarian technology in the US. People from all over the world have gathered every year to learn, present, and discuss new ways to use or develop technology to help impoverished populations. The Program Committee has worked hard this year to maintain the tradition. We have developed an international program with keynote speakers, panels, paper presentations, and workshops from across the spectrum of humanitarian engineering and technology.

We have accepted over 140 papers covering several of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. We will have parallel sessions in Health, Energy, Education, Agriculture, Connectivity, Water, Disaster Mitigation, and Sustainable Development.

We will have two plenary panels, one on “Disaster Recovery, Disadvantaged Communities and Displaced People” on Friday morning, and one on “Health-Related Issues in Resource Constrained Environments” on Saturday morning. In addition, we will three keynote speakers:

  • Neil Sahota, Chief Innovation Officer, University of California, Emerging Technologies Research & Policy Institute
  • Thomas Coughlin FIEEE, President of IEEE-USA and President, Coughlin Associates
  • Tess Russo, Portfolio Lead and Research Scientist at Global Good

There will be plenty of opportunities for networking during the breaks, lunches, and receptions. Please use these opportunities to enhance your personal and professional growth, network, and learn about new projects. We hope you enjoy the conference!


Silvia Figueira, PhD
Program Chair

Henry Louie, PhD
Technical Program Chair