IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Conference Invited Reviewer Form

Instructions for Application Form to Volunteer to Review Papers for GHTC

GHTC would like to invite experienced reviewers with practitioner, researcher and policy backgrounds to submit an expression of interest to review papers.

These are the primary responsibilities for any reviewer:

  • Promote the Call for Papers to your colleagues, networks and mailing lists between now and end of May
  • Provide constructive, actionable feedback to all authors who submit Full Papers (up to 8 pages), Short Papers (3 – 4 pages) and Oral Presentation (1 page); Please complete and enter reviews in EDAS iteratively so we can notify authors once reviews are completed. This will allow them more time to submit a high quality final paper or presentation
  • Promote the Preliminary and Final Programs to colleagues and Networks between August and October

The Review Process this year can be summarized as follows

  • Call for Papers Deadline is late May
  • A single stage review process to be completed by 23-June

Expected Review Effort

We estimate the total effort required will be 6 – 8 hours over three weeks.

The Technical Program Chair will have the Track Chairs assign papers based on your stated subject matter expertise. These may be a mix of Full Papers, Short Papers or Oral Presentations. The average number of papers to be assigned to each reviewer will depend on whether the papers assigned are Full Papers (up to 8 pages), Short Papers (3 – 4 pages) or Oral Presentation (1 page), as the level of effort required differs for each type.

If you are only assigned Full Papers, you will be assigned 4 – 6 papers. If you are only assigned Short Papers, you will be assigned up to 8 – 12 papers.

Nominate Other Reviewers

If you would like to nominate other experienced reviewers with the necessary skills and expertise, please ask them to submit their application using this form, specifying their thematic areas of expertise and confirming their contact details and affiliation. We would like to achieve diversity in terms of gender, organization and country.

Please fill in the following information

    GHTC Conference Reviewer Application Form

    Please note you will need an EDAS account to participate on the program committee / reviewer

    Name (required)

    First Name:
    Last Name:

    City/State/Prov/Postcode (required)


    Title and Current Occupation:

    Affiliation (EDAS required):

    URL for your Affiliation (EDAS required):

    Country (EDAS required):

    Email (required):

    EDAS email (if different):

    IEEE Member? (required)

    NoYes If yes, Membership Number:

    1. Program/review technical interests (see CFP page): (required, check a maximum of three main areas where you have relevant expertise as a reviewer)

    Affordable & Clean Energy (SDG7)Agriculture & Food Security (SDG2)Clean Water & Sanitation (SDG6)Connectivity & Communication in Support of DevelopmentDecent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8)Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & RecoveryQuality Education (SDG4)Good Health and Well Being (SDG3)Technologies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (SDG5)Other Related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. SDGs 9, 11, 12, 14)Technology Impacts on Societal Evolution

    2. Thematic Areas - Please provide more details of your specific experience for the short list of thematic areas selected and any constraints within those thematic areas. Up to 1000 characters. (required)

    3. Please describe why you are qualified for the role. Please outline experience as a reviewer, including special skills you bring to the table etc. Up to 1000 characters. (required)

    4. Is there any other information you would like to provide with your application? Up to 1000 characters.
