IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Committee Positions & Application Process

Applications for the GHTC Committee

GHTC is produced each year by a committee of volunteers. The evolution of GHTC is guided by an Advisory Committee.

GHTC is always seeking volunteers who would like to help produce the next yearly conference.  GHTC currently rotates on a 2-year cycle between Seattle (where it originated) and the Bay Area.

These are the key leadership positions. Click on the position to see the ‘job description’ for each.

In order to minimize time zone differences and have effective meetings the sub-committee chairs preferably will be in IEEE Regions 1-7 & 9.  IEEE policy requires Conference Chair and Treasurer roles must be IEEE members.

Conference Chair Position Description – Must be IEEE Member
Conference Vice Chair Position Description
Program Chair Position Description
Treasurer Position Description – Must be IEEE Member

This is an amazing and rewarding opportunity to work with a global group of humanitarians to help the under-served populations of the world.  If you are interested in one of these leadership positions, or would like to be involved in some other role, please fill in the form below.

Note that we require a statement of your interest, an attached targeted 1 or 2 page CV/resume/statement covering your qualifications and experience with conferences and/or events, and a contact for an endorser/reference. Failure to provide these may result in your application not being considered.

For those interested in being a Reviewer for GHTC, please fill out this form.

For those interested in being a General Volunteer at GHTC, please fill out this form.

For additional information or questions please contact


    GHTC Conference Volunteer Application Form

    Name (required)

    First Name:
    Last Name:


    City/State/Prov/Postcode (required)



    Email (required):


    IEEE Member? (required)

    NoYes If yes, Membership Number:

    1. Conference leadership position interest: (required)

    Note: You must be an IEEE member of the conference sponsors to apply for the Chair and Treasurer positions.
    (Check Other for additional options in Item 2)

    ChairVice-ChairProgram ChairTreasurerOther (see 2)

    2. Other position(s). Please choose which other GHTC Committee positions you are interested in.

    Audio/Video ChairSocial Media ChairLocal Arrangements ChairKeynote/Plenary Speaker ChairPresentation ReviewerPublications ChairPublicity ChairRegistration ChairSession/Track ChairsSponsors, Grants, Exhibitor ChairsSubject Matter Expert (Track Chair)Technical Paper ReviewerWebsite Design and MaintenanceGeneral GHTC Volunteer

    3. Please describe why you want this position and why you are qualified for the role. Give applicable experience, similar roles, special skills you bring to the table etc. Up to 1000 characters. (required)

    4. Please provide a 1 or 2 page focused C/V or Resume in Word or PDF, relevant to the position, with data that reflects your conference qualifications, successes and strengths and focuses on the results of your efforts. (required)

    5. Endorser: Please indicate the name and contact information of a person who can speak to your strengths and experience with conferences/events regarding the position you seek.(required)

    First name:
    Last name:

    6. Is there any other information you’d like to provide with your application?