IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025


IEEE GHTC focuses on technology for the benefit of humanity. This cross-disciplinary annual conference provides the perfect venue for those interested in humanitarian engineering to join their peers in October 2025 at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado USA

The 15th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2025) is a flagship international conference sharing effective approaches, best practices, and practical and/or scholarly technology-enabled interventions that address the needs of underserved communities in resource-constrained environments around the world. This year IEEE GHTC 2025 will highlight and explore “Technologies in Context” as its annual theme. This theme encourages authors to assemble diverse teams including community members articulating the need and/or desire for technology, relevant policymakers, and/or interdisciplinary academic teams to describe their technological intervention in social, cultural, environmental, economic, and/or political contexts. Submissions should discuss work done and interventions designed to address resource-constrained and/or development contexts, build local capacity, promote local involvement through decolonial and critically conscious practices, provide educational opportunities and connectivity, and/or create equitable and just access to water, energy, and food with minimal negative impact on the planet and environment.

GHTC 2025 Theme: “Technologies in Context”

Submission Deadline Midnight May 16.

GHTC Conference Mission:
  • Foster exchange of information, networking, and cooperation in the areas of sustainable development (for example, addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals), humanitarian technology, ICT4D (information and communication technologies for development) and disaster recovery
  • Focus attention on organizations which are enabling or leveraging technologies and engineering expertise in support of sustainable development
  • Provide a forum where practitioners can identify or share technological interventions or potential partners when addressing specific societal challenges
  • Impact in positive and meaningful ways the lives of marginalized people around the world
  • Attract young people to these professional fields by exploring science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) interventions addressing problems of the world’s developing communities 

IEEE GHTC 2025 Thematic areas include (but are not limited to):

    • Technology to improve education, communication, and connectivity

    • Equitable and just access to water, food, and energy

    • Equitable and accessible health technologies and healthcare

    • Disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery

    • Technologies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

    • Technologies to enable peace, justice, and equitable economies

    • Technologies in cultural, social, political and/or economic context

    • Decolonial and critically conscious engineering

    • Community collaboration, co-construction, and co-design

    • Humanitarian engineering practice and research in higher education

Why Attend?

    • Be a part of a vibrant humanitarian engineering and technologies community
    • Learn from world-class expert practitioners and academics working in the field
    • Exchange information, share experiences, and network with attendees actively involved in the fields of sustainable development, humanitarian technology, ICT4D (information and communication technologies for development) and disaster recovery
    • Gain visibility and recognition for your humanitarian efforts and interventions
    • Find new resources and potential partners or investors

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