IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

GHTC 2022 Attendee Welcome Instructions


Thank you for registering for GHTC 2022.

This post includes crucial details about the conference for all attendees. An email with the same information was sent to all registered attendees as of 6-Sept.


The 12th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2022) will take place from September 8 to 11, 2022 in person at Santa Clara University (SCU) in the John and Susan Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation (SCDI), Building (#402).

Directions to SCU

  • SCU’s main entrance is located at 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053, USA.
  • See SCU Campus Map ( and building info page at (
  • The building entrance for GHTC is the South Wing, labeled “Leavey Foundation)”
  • The coordinates for the building entrance are: 37.34864931957114, -121.93845825368567

Parking at SCU
SCU has permit parking.

  • For Thursday and Friday, park in the North Campus Garage
    1063 Alviso St. (corner Benton)
    0.3 miles north of SDCI building (See map below)
    The kiosk opens at 8 AM, at the kiosk, enter: license plate # and coupon code: CAT8 (else pay $8)
  • For Saturday and Sunday you can also park in the Central Parking Structure located at need to enter the code via the kiosks on Sat and Sun.
  • The coordinates for the building entrance are: 37.34864931957114, -121.93845825368567. You can use these coordinates to find the main door to the conference venue.


  • Santa Clara University is located in the heart of Silicon Valley just 5 miles from the San Jose International Airport and about 35 miles south of the San Francisco International Airport. The campus is easily reachable from U.S. Highway 101, Interstate 880, and Interstate 280.
  • SCU is next to the Santa Clara Transit Center and Caltrain Station, there is a bus (#60) from SJC airport to the Transit Center which is near SCU and the hotels near SCU. It is a ten-minute walk from the Transit Center to the SCDI building on the SCU campus.
  • VTA Bus route 60 (Milpitas BART – Winchester Station via SJC Airport) runs approx. every 15 minutes on weekdays and 30 minutes on weekends, the fare to the Santa Clara Transit Center is free. Otherwise it is $2.50. See

COVID Policy

  • The GHTC 2022 Organizing Committee understands that everyone is concerned with the situation regarding COVID-19.
  • Our primary concern is for the health and welfare of all of the attendees, staff and workers involved in GHTC 2022. We will require all attendees to wear masks. (Masks will be available at registration).
  • In addition, we will be following the guidelines/mandates set forth by the IEEE and the County of Santa Clara:

Onsite Registration

  • Registration and check-in to pick up badges etc., will be in the SCDI building ground floor near the main entrance.
  • Attendees and presenters who already registered just need to connect to Zoom sessions.
  • Registration desk hours will be: Thursday 12 PM to-5 PM; Friday 8 AM to 5 PM; Saturday 8:30 AM to 5 PM and Sunday 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM.

SCU Wi-Fi Access

Program and Schedule

  • You can find a recap of the program here (
  • The complete program with keynotes and plenary presentations, panels and the paper sessions can be viewed at
  • You can download PDFs of the schedule and floor maps, and the Program Guide. You can find the Program overview, the detailed schedule from EDAS ( with the papers, and the details on the Workshops, Plenary/Keynote Speakers and Panels.
  • You can also find this info in the download of the Attendee Proceedings.
  • The Plenary session and paper sessions will be recorded for on-demand. We will send how to access these when ready.


GHTC 2020 will be held in the following rooms in the SCDI building and on the SCU campus.

  • Level 1: 1301, 1302 & 1308 (auditorium, plenary sessions and panels)
  • Level 2: 2302, 2301
  • Level 3: 3301, 3302
  • Ground Level (breakfast and lunch)
  • The IEEE MOVE truck will be in the Leavey Center Lot Parking.
  • The Conference Banquet on Saturday (tickets req’d) will be in the Locatelli Center Building.

Author Presentations

  • See the program schedule for time and location of sessions, and the EDAS sessions for specific papers being presented at
  • Most sessions will have a mix of remote and in person presentations.
  • Onsite: Presenters be sure to be at your session room at least five minutes before the start of the session. We have requested that authors upload their presentation slides in advance and we will have them loaded onto the presentation computer in the room. The Session Chair will share the slides and introduce each presenter at the start of their presentation. There will be a short Q&A at the end of each paper presentation.
  • Remote: Presenters be sure to be online in the session Zoom at least five minutes before the start of the session. We have requested that authors upload their presentation recording in advance and we will have them loaded onto the presentation computer in the room. The Session Chair will play the recording. Then the author(s) will be online for live Q&A.


GHTC 2022 has set up several special opportunities for attendees to meet, both onsite and remote.

  • Networking Social – Thursday, 4 PM – 6 PM in SCDI building’s ground level
  • LinkedIn event – online networking (must have LinkedIn account)
    • Click on this link to get to GHTC Linkedin Event page
    • Click “Attend” to join the event
    • Click on “Networking” and select the person(s) you want to send a message to network with any attendees and speakers
  • Spatial Chat – Online “reception” format during lunch (12-1pm PT) Friday and Saturday; the link to join is

Special events

  • The IEEE Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV) has organized a Workshop on humanitarian consulting on Thursday and two evening Special Sessions Thursday and Friday.
  • Separate registration for the Special Sessions is REQUIRED as they are serving pizza. See
  • In addition, CNSV is sponsoring the MOVE truck. The MOVE truck will be open Friday 3:30 PM to 5 PM in the Leavey Center’s Lot Parking.
  • New Use Energy will be displaying their Solar generator trailer.


  • Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Friday through Sunday; location is the ground floor of SCDI
  • Breakfast starts at 8am before the Plenary sessions; Lunch is 12-1 pm.
  • Morning break at 10:40 AM, afternoon break at 3:00 PM
  • Saturday evening at 6 PM the conference banquet (tickets required) will be held in the Locatelli Center Building

Proceedings download

  • The Attendee Proceedings  can be downloaded from EDAS at (contact us)
  • Note: you must extract the files to view the contents. Open the index.html file.

Zoom links

  • The Zoom attendee links are found in the Proceedings under the General tab.
  • Each Thursday Workshop has a Zoom meeting. The remainder of the Conference has recurring Zoom meetings. One each for the morning and afternoon Plenary sessions, and one for each of the five parallel technical session rooms.
  • Find the room your presentation session is in and use that link.



Behnam Dezfouli, Chair
Ed Perkins, Vice-Chair Operations
Elizabeth Belding, Technical Program Chair
2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)