IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Info for Patrons & Exhibitors

The premier HUMANITARIAN TECHNOLOGY INVOLVEMENT opportunity of the year

GHTC is the IEEE’s flagship annual international conference for scientists, engineers, technology professionals, practitioners, academics, foundations, government and non-government organizations, and individuals engaged in humanitarian work.  The intellectual capital and momentum produced at GHTC lead the way in promoting innovation and education in best practices in humanitarian technology, broadening impacts from local to global. This conference reaches hundreds of participants  from around the world with a program of invited talks, technical sessions, tutorials, exhibits, networking, and social activities. Sharing and discussing practical technology enabled solutions for present and future humanitarian needs, underserved populations and resource constrained environments around the world, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). The conference theme of “Technology for the Benefit of Humanity” includes these focus areas:

  • Agriculture & Food Security (SDG2)
  • Good Health and Well Being (SDG3)
  • Quality Education (SDG4)
  • Technologies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (SDG5)
  • Clean Water & Sanitation (SDG6)
  • Affordable & Clean Energy (SDG7)
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth (ref: SDG8)
  • Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery
  • Communication/Connectivity in Support of Development
  • Innovation in Industry and Infrastructure
  • Technologies to enable Peace, Justice, and Equitable Economies
  • Technology Impacts on Societal Evolution
  • Other Related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. SDGs 9, 11, 12, 14)

Involvement in the conference can provide for education in humanitarian technology and demonstrates support for the development of new and innovative technologies related to this vital mission. Speakers influence humanitarian work globally. Authors of the (IEEE Xplore) conference proceeding papers present not only to participants but add to the body of technical literature supporting the development of humanitarian technology efforts. Exhibitors reach decision makers and technology developers from many sectors in the premiere conference setting to display such capabilities.

Download our Patronage Packages Brochure with details and the Patronage and Exhibition Contract and Exhibitor form.
You may also be interested in becoming an Affiliate of GHTC.

Patronage Benefits

  • Helping humanity and broadening the impact of humanitarian technology work
    • Support for education, research, and other humanitarian activities that focus on technology for the benefit of humanity.
  • Awareness Building:
    • Direct promotion to IEEE members, and humanitarian practitioners working in the field
    • Direct promotion to e-mail listings and publications; logo on website and in flyers
    • Access to conference speakers and participants, including field practitioners, to learn about burning humanitarian issues, and how they are being addressed.
  • High Traffic Networking:
    • Website is available to public and the approx. 400,000 IEEE members. As well as conference attendees.
    • Exhibit tables located in the same area as conference breaks where participants will have easy access to your information
    • A welcome reception co-located with poster sessions providing direct interaction with innovators

IEEE GHTC Patronage Program Options


Description Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
$500 USD $1,000 USD $2,500 USD $5,000 USD
# Available 10 10 5 3
Exhibitor Booth 1 1 1 1
Free room from 6-8pm for meetings X X
Exhibitor Booth Staff Badge

Badges Grant Access to Exhibit Hall, Lunches and Breaks

2 2 3 4
Listed as exhibitor/partners/sponsor on conference website X X X X
Listed as Exhibitor/Partners/Sponsor in printed materials X X
Video Clip (1-2 Min) Posted on The Website X X
Tutorial/Workshop X X
Registration Fees Waived 1 2


All Patronage Options Include:

  1. Recognition as a Conference Patron in:
  • Conference website (with your logo, 25 word write-up and a link to your website)
  • Conference flyers (logo)
  • Program Listing (logo)
  1. Recognition in our international conference promotion campaign
  • Listing as patron in all leading print and online IEEE-GHTC publication promotion efforts
  • A listing as patron level in all national and regional news releases and calendar


Exhibition Options & Benefits

Option Amount Table Passes
Table Top Exhibitor $1600 30×72 w/2 chairs TWO (Conference and Exhibit)
Table Top Exhibitor ONE DAY $800 30×72 w/2 chairs ONE (Conference and Exhibit)
Educational Institutions $1000 30×72 w/2 chairs ONE (Conference and Exhibit)
Publisher** $500 1/2 30×72 display


All exhibitors receive:

  1. A listing in the conference program
  2. A listing on the conference website (with your logo, 25 word write-up and a link to your web site, plus embedded video clip)
  3. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″ with chairs) in high-traffic area

** Qualified publishers will have the opportunity to display appropriate materials in the Publisher Exhibit Area.


General Information, Contact and Payment Information

There are a limited number of patronages offered at each level. A contract and payment in full is required to secure a patronage package; advance payment is required for to be included in conference promotion efforts.

Patrons must support the mission of the conference and be pre-approved by the Conference Sponsorship Chair. Any question of appropriateness of Patronages will be at the discretion of the Conference Sponsorship Chair.

See specific package options below.

For more information on options, please contact us using this form:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Exhibit/Sponsor Interest

    affiliateadvertisingmedia patronfinancial sponsor/patronexhibitor

    Briefly describe your interest


    Patronage Packages

    PLATINUM Patron – $5,000

    Platinum Patronage includes in addition to base level:

    1. Recognition as a Platinum Level Patron on:
    • Conference website (with your logo and a link to your website and Video clip (1-2 min))
    • Conference posters, signs, and flyers include logo
    • Mention during opening and closing remarks
    • Program listing and full-page advertisement in the conference program
    • Conference promotional email blasts include logo
    1. Recognition in our international conference promotion campaign
    • A listing as a Platinum patron in all national and regional news releases and calendar
    1. Recognition at the Networking Reception
    • Signs and Poster
    • Acknowledgement during Networking Reception
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    2. Two (2) full conference attendee passes and four (4) exhibit passes


    GOLD Patron – $2,500

    Gold Patronage includes in addition to base level:

    1. Recognition as a Gold Level Patron:
    • Conference website (with your logo and a link to your website and Video clip (1-2 min))
    • Conference posters, signs, and flyers include logo
    • Mention during opening and closing remarks
    • Program listing and half-page advertisement in the conference program
    1. Recognition in our international conference promotion campaign
    • Listing in all leading print and online IEEE-GHTC publication promotion efforts
    • A listing as Gold patron in all national and regional news releases and calendar
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    2. One full conference attendee pass and three (3) exhibit passes


    SILVER Patron – $1,000

    Silver Patronage includes in addition to base level:

    1. Recognition as Silver Level Patron:
    • Program listing and paragraph advertisement in the conference program
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    1. Two (2) exhibit passes


    Bronze Patron – $500

    Bronze Patronage includes in addition to base level:

    1. Recognition as Bronze Level Patron:
    • Program listing and paragraph advertisement in the conference program
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    1. Two (2) exhibit passes


    CUSTOM Patronage Package EXAMPLES

    Reception Patron – $2,500

    Networking Reception         

    1. Recognition as the Conference Patron for Networking Reception:
    • Program listing and 1/4 page advertisement in the conference program
    • Video clip (1-2 min) posted on website
    1. Onsite banner provided by you [up to 2ft x 4ft]
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    1. One (1) full conference attendee pass and two (2) exhibit passes


    Conference Proceedings, Badges, Bags Patrons – $1,000 each

    1. Recognition as the Conference Patron for appropriate item:
    • Program listing and paragraph advertisement in the conference program
    1. Onsite banner provided by you [up to 2ft x 4ft]
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    1. Two (2) exhibit passes


    Breakfast / Coffee Break ($500, $1000, $1500)

    Breakfast or Coffee Break Patronage includes

    1. Recognition as the Conference Patron for Breakfast or break as appropriate:
    • Program listing
    1. Onsite banner provided by you [up to 2ft x 4ft]
    1. Skirted exhibit table (up to 30″ x 72″) with two chairs
    1. Two (2) exhibit passes