IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Workshops 2013

GHTC Workshops

All held in Mediterranean Center Monte Carlo Room


Session A3
10:30 am – 12:30 pm

EPICS in IEEE Workshop

The workshop will include an overview of IEEE’s implementation of the Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS) Program of Purdue University. The EPICS in IEEE program fosters partnerships between university students and high school students to work with non-profit organizations to deliver technical solutions to local communities. The overview will include examples of successful partnerships from around the globe. Following the overview, attendees will participate in an interactive session focused on developing a proposal/petition for funding, followed by a presentation on next steps.

Presenters: Kapil Dandekar and Prasanna Venkatesan

Session B3
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Workshop: IEEE Actionable Data Book – Beyond the Horseless Carriage

This two-hour workshop will focus on the impact of new technologies on learning, education and training. In particular, a new generation of interactive eBooks will greatly transcend the capabilities of the conventional book. Team members from the IEEE Actionable Data Book Project will each give a short presentation and lead discussion on a different aspect of a rapidly changing technical and pedagogical landscape. Participants in the workshop will be asked to bring their own perspectives to the discussion, to help us all better understand the potential and problems in making this technology globally available. The workshop will assist the project team in planning its activities for 2014.

Project participation is free and open to interested parties: see

Dr. Edilson Arenas, School of Engineering, CQUniversity, Australia
Avron Barr, Director, The LETSI Foundation (Learning, Education, and Training Systems Interoperability)
Carolyn Dickerson, Teacher and School Technology Administrator
Patrick Kane, Internet of Things Evangelist, Cypress Semiconductor
Tyde Richards, Chair, IEEE Actionable Data Book Project and IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee


Session D3
10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Special Interest Groups on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) Workshop

This session provides an overview and introduction of IEEE SIGHT. SIGHTs are IEEE volunteer groups focused on addressing community issues and development using technology. Across various IEEE Regions, 30+ groups of dedicated IEEE volunteers deliver activities and projects, aiming to inspire, enable, and connect their communities. SIGHT volunteers are activists of humanitarian technologies and they engage with NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, UN Organizations, Corporates, and other similar bodies to synergize efforts in delivering useful and sustainable technologies for development.

This workshop provides details on the SIGHT program, such as how to form a SIGHT, the kind of support a SIGHT gets, how to apply for SIGHT project funding or fellowship, etc. It also provides insights on the kind of activities and projects SIGHTs are currently doing. Region 10 (Asia Pacific) and Region 7 (Canada) SIGHT activities and projects will be presented by Deepak Mathur (R10 HTC Coordinator), and Alfredo Herrera (R9 HIC Founding member). Anand B, from Madras SIGHT in India will present on practical experience in starting and running a successful SIGHT.


Kartik Kulkarni, Chair IEEE SIGHT Steering Committee
Holly Schneider Brown, Program Manager, IEEE SIGHT
Deepak Mathur, R10 HTC Coordinator
Alfredo Herrera, R7 HIC Founding member
Anand B, Chair, Madras SIGHT