Inn at Villanova
- The Mansion
- Grounds
- Inn
- Grounds
- Ballroom
- Buffet
- Meeting room
- Plenary setup
Day 1 – Pre-conference and Souk
- Demo
- Lunch
- Souk Team
- Souk setup
- Poster winner 1
- Poster winner 2
- Penn Team
- Lehigh team
Day 2 – Conference Opening & Keynotes; IEEE Panel
- Opening Breakfast
- Program Chairs
- Keynote intro
- Ermilio
- Loomba
- Loomba gift
- Riiny intro
- Riiny gift
- IEEE Panel: EPICS – Gillespie
- IEEE Panel: HTB – August
- IEEE Panel Discussion
- IEEE Panelists
- IEEE Foundation Exhibit
- IEEE EPICS Exhibit
Day 3 – Communications Panel and Young Professionals Panel
Day 3 – Conference Dinner and Awards
- Keynote intro
- Krista Donaldson
- Luis Kun, SSIT
- SSIT Paper Award
- SSIT Paper Award
- SSIT Norbert Wiener Award – Madhavan
- Committee gifts
- Mehta
- Cumberbatch
- Gershenson
- Whitney
- Chg
- Perkins
- Vasconcelos
- Tamashiro
- Aleman
- Urquizo
- Singh Gift
- Vasconcelos Gift
- Dinner
Sessions and Wrap-up
- Committee
- Wrap-up lunch