IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Special Sessions

GHTC Special Sessions

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) Focus Group

Thursday October 13 (10:30 AM – 1:30 PM)
Cascade 1&2

Moderators: Vineeth Vijayaraghavan & Paul M Cunningham

Description: This semi-structured Focus Group will capture insight from senior representatives of key stakeholder groups with a strong track record of involvement in the planning, execution, funding and/or assessment of global development interventions. Participation is limited to 12 invitees, representing relevant public, private, education and research, societal and funding sector organisations.


IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee HAC Participatory Workshop

Thursday October 13 (2:30 – 5:30 PM)
Cascade 1&2

Moderators: Paul M Cunningham & Vineeth Vijayaraghavan

Description: This semi-structured participatory workshop will capture insight from a broad range of key stakeholder groups involved in global development interventions to streamline and strengthen the application, review and assessment processes for global development projects supported by HAC. Pre-registration is essential as this workshop is limited to 40 participants involved in global development, representing relevant public, private, education and research, societal and funding sector organisations.


IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) and Global Development

Friday October 14 (12:30 – 12:45 PM)
Grand 2/3

Paul M Cunningham (Projects Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee)

Abstract: IEEE is very well positioned to have real impact around the world, based on the geographic diversity, breadth, depth and complementarity of technical, scientific and engineering expertise, cross-sectoral representation and strong volunteer ethos of its membership. This presentation will discuss the work of the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee and opportunities for IEEE volunteers in Global Development.


IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) – Supporting Global Development

Friday October 14 (2:30 – 5:30 PM)
Grand 2/3

Moderators: Paul M Cunningham & Vineeth Vijayaraghavan

Description: This highly participatory workshop will focus on providing an opportunity for all key stakeholders involved in or interested in getting involved in global development to share insight, discuss the co-design of projects and brainstorm. Topics that will be discussed include:

  • Potential Role of Collaborative Open Innovation
  • Designing an ethical Development Project
  • Monitoring & Evaluation and Impact Assessment

For More Information about IEEE HAC, please visit


IEEE SIGHT Workshop: Deep Dive into Creating and Sustaining Local Impact

(Session D3)

Saturday, October 15 (8:00 – 9:30 am)
Northwest 3

Speaker: Kartik Kulkarni, et al