IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Program 2015

GHTC 2015 Program

Program Grid (PDF) v15 now available here. (Subject to change)

Conference Program (PDF, 10MB) v4 now available here.

rednewWelcome Messages from the General and Program Chairs here.

Keynotes and Plenary Sessions click here.

Special and Interactive Sessions click here.

Technical Sessions click here.

Preliminary Program Schedule

TimeDate: 8-Oct-15 - Thursday
IEEE Smart Village (formerly Community Solutions Initiative) Workshop
(Cascade 13) - Mezzanine Level
Ray Larsen, Michael Wilson, Robin Podmore
[Separate Registration]
1:30 - 6:30pmRegistration Open
(Grand Foyer) - Lobby Level
1:30 - 5:00pmOpen Data Kit Workshop
(Evergreen 3-4) - Mezzanine Level
[Sheree Wen]
6:30 - 9:00pmMGA Young Professionals
Welcome Reception
(Maxi's Ballroom)

7:00 pm Welcome Keynote -- Jackie Stenson (Essmart)

8:00 pm Panel: "Techie life in Seattle"

TimeDate: 9-Oct-15 - Friday
7:00am - 6:00pmRegistration
(Grand Foyer) - Lobby Level
7:00 - 8:00 amBreakfast (Grand 3) - Lobby Level
Opening Plenary
(Grand 3)

Welcome Remarks
Joe Decuir (GHTC 2015 Conference Chair)

Opening Remarks
Mike Andrews (IEEE Region 6 Director 2013-14)

Keynote -- Maurizio Vecchione (Global Good)

Keynote -- Steve Davis (PATH)
10:00amExhibits Open (Grand 1)
10:00amBreak (Exhibits) (Grand 1)
10:30am - 12:30pmTechncial SessionsNorthwest 1Northwest 2Northwest 3Evergreen 1-2Evergreen 3-4
Energy Track

Technical Paper
(Session A1)
Health Track

Technical Paper
(Session A2)
Connectivity and Communication Track

Technical Paper
(Session A3)
Disaster Management

Technical Paper
(Session A4)
Education Track

Technical Paper

(Session A5)
12:30pmLunch (Grand 3) - Lobby Level
1:30 - 3:30 pmTechncial SessionsNorthwest 1Northwest 2Northwest 3Evergreen 1 & 2
Parallel Sessions
Evergreen 3 & 4
Parallel Sessions
Energy Track

Session B1
Health Track

Session B2
Connectivity and Communication Track

Session B3
Humanitarian Challenges and Opportunities

Session B4-1
(Evergreen 1)
Education Track

Session B5-1
(Evergreen 3)
Disaster Management Track

Session B4-2
(Evergreen 2)
Water, Sanitation, and Agriculture

Session B5-2
(Evergreen 4)
3:30pmBreak (Exhibits, Grand 1) - Lobby Level
4:00 - 6:00 pmSpecial SessionsNorthwest 1Northwest 2Northwest 3Evergreen 1-2Evergreen 3-4
Special Session
Demo & Panel
(Session C1)
Special Session
(Session C2)
Special Session
Workshop & Case Study
(Session C3)
(Session C4-1)

Documentary Film

(Session C4-2)
(Session C5)
6:30 - 8:00pmDinner (Grand 3)

Keynote -- "Earth Observations from the International Space Station: Benefits for Humanity"
William L. Stefanov (NASA)

Keynote -- "Creating a Global Network to Impact Global Health"
Nancy Sclater (Centennial President, Seattle Rotary)
TimeDate: 10-Oct-15 - Saturday
7:00am - 6:00pmRegistration (Grand Foyer) - Lobby Level
7:00 - 8:00amBreakfast (Grand 3)
Saturday Plenary
(Grand 3)

Joe Decuir - Morning Greeting

Keynote -- Jeanette Duffy (UNICEF Ventures)

Panel: Future of Humanitarian Technology: Practitioners' Perspective -- Mark Haselkorn, Robin Mays
10:00amExhibits Open (Grand 1)
10:00amBreak (Exhibits)
10:30am -12:30pmTechncial SessionsNorthwest 1Northwest 2Northwest 3Evergreen 1-2Evergreen 3-4
Energy Track

Technical Paper
(Session D1)
Humanitarian Challenges & Opportunities Track

Technical Paper
(Session D2)
Connectivity and Communication Track

Technical Paper
(Session D3)
Water, Sanitation, and Agriculture Track

Technical Paper
(Session D4)
Student Paper Contest
Top 5 Student Papers

(Session D5)
12:30pmLunch (Grand 3) - Lobby Level
1:30 - 3:30pmThe Gaetano Borriello "Feet on the Ground" Humanitarian Symposium (Grand 2)
3:30pmBreak (Exhibits, Grand 1)
4:00 - 6:00pmSpecial SessionsNorthwest 1Northwest 2Grand 2Evergreen 1-2Evergreen 3-4
Special Session Workshops

(Session E1)
Special Session Workshops & Case Study

(Session E2)
Borriello Symposium, Continued

(Session E3)

(Session E3)
Posters Presentation

(Session E4)
6:00pmBreak (Grand 1)
Dinner & Awards Ceremony
(Grand 3)

R6 Awards -- Thomas Coughlin (Region 6)
GHTC Student Paper Awards -- Ramesh Nair (GHTC 2015)

Evening keynote -- Paul Mitchell (Microsoft)
TimeDate: 11-Oct-15 - Sunday
7:00am - 10:00 amRegistration
7:00 - 8:00amBreakfast (Grand 3)
8:00 - 10:00amTechncial SessionsNorthwest 1Northwest 2Northwest 3Evergreen 1-2Evergreen 3-4
Energy Track

Technical Paper

(Session F1)
Health Track

Technical Paper

(Session F2)
Education Track

Technical Paper

(Session F3)
Humanitarian Challenges and Opportunities

Technical Paper

(Session F4)
10:00amBreak (Exhibits, Grand 1)
10:30am - 12:30pmClosing Plenary
(Grand 3)

Closing Keynote #1 -- Alex Moseson (USAID)

Closing Keynote #2 -- Shukla Bose (Parikrma Humanity Foundation)

Closing Comments, Joe Decuir (GHTC 2015 Chair)

1:30 - 2:30pmGHTC Steering Committee Debrief Meeting