IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

Reviewer Application

    GHTC Conference Reviewer Application Form

    Name (required)

    First Name:
    Last Name:

    Affiliation (required):

    Title and Current Occupation:

    City/State/Prov/Postcode (required)



    Email (required):


    IEEE Member? (required)

    NoYes If yes, Membership Number:

    1. Program/review technical interests (see CFP page): (required, check a maximum of three main areas where you have relevant expertise as a reviewer)

    Affordable & Clean Energy (SDG7)Agriculture & Food Security (SDG2)Clean Water & Sanitation (SDG6)Connectivity & CommunicationDecent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8)Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & RecoveryQuality Education (SDG4)Good Health and Well Being (SDG3)Other Related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. SDGs 9, 11, 12, 14)Technology Impacts on Societal Evolution

    2. Thematic Areas - Please provide more details of your specific experience for the short list of thematic areas selected and any constraints within those thematic areas. Up to 1000 characters. Up to 1000 characters. (required)

    3. Please provide a 1 or 2 page focused C/V or Resume of qualifications in Word or PDF, relevant to the position, with data that reflects your conference qualifications, successes and strengths and focuses on the results of your efforts. (required)

    4. Endorser: Please indicate the name and contact information of a person who can speak to your strengths and experience with conferences/events regarding the position.(required)

    First name:
    Last name:

    5. Is there any other information you’d like to provide with your application?