IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Villanova University, USA / October 23-26, 2024

GHTC 2024 Program Update and Early Registration Deadline

The 14th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2024) will take place in person at Villanova University (Pennsylvania) from October 23  to 25, 2024.

GHTC is a flagship international conference supporting achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), bringing together people working on the application of technology to addressing critical issues for the benefit of the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world.

2024 Theme:The Year of the Practitioner

Preliminary Program information has been posted on the website. (See

Registration is open – Early rates end September 30. See the GHTC 2024 Registration page for details on fees and options.

GHTC focuses on these sustainable goals:

  • Good Health and Well Being (SDG3)
  • Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7)
  • Communication/Connectivity in Support of Development
  • Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery
  • Technologies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (SDG5)
  • Quality Education (SDG4)
  • Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG6)
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8)
  • Agriculture and Food Security (SDG2)
  • Technology Impacts on Societal Evolution

Why Attend?

  • Participate in an extensive, vibrant, and innovative technical program
  • Learn from world-class knowledgeable practitioners working in the field
  • Exchange information, share experiences and network with attendees actively involved in the fields
  • Gain visibility and recognition for your humanitarian work, projects and ideas
  • Find new resources and potential partners or investors

GHTC 2024 features:

Pre-Conference Workshops on October 23 Included with GHTC 2024 registration.

GHTC Pre-Conference Welcome Souk on October 23

GHTC 2024 is reinventing the opening reception. The GHTC 2023 souk (‘open air bazaar’) was very successful. The GHTC 2024 SOUK will commence at 6PM on Wednesday October 23rd in the ballroom of The Inn at Villanova University. All attendees are urged/encouraged to arrive with material to post.

Included with GHTC 2024 registration.

For those not attending the conference, SOUK presenter registration is available in the registration system for $50 per poster (Light refreshments will be served)

Plenary and Keynote Sessions

Thursday Plenary Panel (830-1030 on October 24)

Technology Development to Technology Implementation

Mr. Andrew Lamb, Chair, Internet of Production Alliance
Mr. Amit Bhavnagar, Director, Swasthgram Global foundation

World renowned speakers:

Banquet: Dr. Revi Sterling, Technical Director, Women in the Digital Ecosystem Fund (WiDEF)

IEEE Humanitarian Panel (After Lunch on October 24)

Speakers from IEEE EPICS, IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board (HTB), IEEE Smart Village

Friday Plenary Panel (0830 – 1030 on October 25)

Women in Humanitarian Technology Panel

Dr. Heather Beem, Professor of Engineering, Ashesi University
Ms. Amina Abubakar, Founder and Chief Consultant, Adaptive Solutions Africa Ltd
Ms. Sophia Haoui, Software Developer, New Sun Road

Technical Sessions

See preliminary list of accepted papers. (Note not all may be presented). On-site and remote presentations.

16 tracks, 80 papers:

1A    AI in Education
1B    Climate Change Data
2A    Productivity Solutions in Agriculture
2B    Information for Entrepreneurship
3A    Power Grid Solutions
3B    Technology for Education
4A    Diet, Nutrition and Oral Health
4B    Human-Machine Interface
5A    AI in Agriculture
5B    Entrepreneurship for All
6A    Technology for Community Well Being
6B    The Economics of Sustainability
7A    Technology Development
7B    Emergency Response Technologies
8A    Technology for Well Being
8B    Aid, Assistance and The Digital Divide


GHTC 2024 Sponsors

IEEE GHTC 2024 is Sponsored by IEEE Region 6, IEEE Philadelphia Section and IEEE SSIT, with Technical Co-Sponsorship by IEEE-USA, IEEE CTS, IEEE EDS, IEEE EMBS, IEEE MTT-S, IEEE PELS, IEEE PES, the IEEE Smart Village Initiative and IEEE-SA.