Undergraduate students presented their posters at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Undergrad Student Poster Showcase Competition at the Souk on Thursday, October 23, 2024
There were 69 students in 23 teams. The judging process and the funding for the competition was a collaboration between Region 2 and Region 6. Prizes in the amount of $750 for the 1st Place winner, $500 for the 2nd, and $250 for the 3rd place.
Winners of Undergrad Student Poster Showcase Competition at GHTC Souk
1st Place: TrackTB – Maia Wainwright, Kyle Smith, Lehigh University
2nd Place: PlasTech – Caroline Ronchini, Fernanda Sena, and Jackson Kramp, Lehigh University
3rd Place: SicklED – Adelaide Ogden, Owen Holst, Lehigh University
Honorable Mention: Improving Heatwave Detection and Assessment – Vinay Karthik, Wardlaw Hartridge School, USA
- TrackTB
- PlasTech
- SickLED