IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025




Authors must be students. Each student author must be an IEEE student member or an IEEE Graduate Student Member at the time of the submission of the poster idea to the Contest. Doctoral students cannot participate. The same rule follows at the time during the conference as well. The poster should be fully the work of the student or students and completed before they have received the engineering or scientific degree.


The students will be invited to send in ideas or designs for developing projects/products which will help the humanitarians and NGO’s working in the field. The selected posters would be displayed during the GHTC 2013, being held at Silicon Valley, California, USA


The students interested to participate in the contest are supposed to fill in the application form and submit the same through the IEEE GHTC Review Room setup for the Student Poster Contest before the specified deadline. The selected posters for the contest would be intimated to the lead author after evaluation.


Application Form

  1. The Application Form is made available through IEEE GHTC Review Room setup for the Student Poster Contest. If you have any queries regarding the submission procedure through Review Room, contact Ramesh Nair, Chair, Student Poster Contest –


Rules regarding the contest:

  1. The idea that is submitted for the contest should not be previously published or presented at any other place that secures copyright of the idea. If any sort of plagiarism or copyright issues found for your submission, we would not be considering them.
  2. All participants must be IEEE Student Members or Graduate Student Members. Doctoral students are not allowed to participate.
  3. Contestants may be members or a team comprising of up to four members.
  4. Applications must be submitted via IEEE GHTC Review Room only. Application submitted through any other means would not be considered for evaluation.
  5. The organizing/review committee of the Student Poster Contest at the GHTC reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.


Procedure for the contest:

The contest will be conducted in two stages which are described as follows.


Stage 1 ( Through GHTC Review Room Setup)

a)   The students may apply and submit their application online.

b)   The idea presented must be original

c) Teams selected will be intimated through the lead authors of each poster.


Stage 2

a) Teams selected in Stage 1 will prepare a poster with their ideas

b) The size of the posters will be a max of 80cm by 60cm

c) The posters will be displayed at the venue of the contest

d) The Team members will make a presentation on the posters

e) The Judges will evaluate the posters & presentations and declare the prize winners


Deadline and Submission details:

Deadline – June 1, 2013

All the applications forms of the poster contest should be submitted online via IEEE GHTC Review Room. Any queries regarding the contest or submission, email to Ramesh Nair, Chair of Student Poster Contest –

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