IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technologies in Context // Colorado Schools of Mines, USA / October 22-25, 2025

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To: All Press

Release: Immediate

Contact: ScienceNews Radio Network, 214-329-4949       __________________________________________________________________


River Blindness Breakthrough 


New early detection of neglected tropical disease to be highlighted at the IEEE international humanitarian conference in Silicon Valley  


Dallas (July 15, 2013) – A rapid test for river blindness that is a breakthrough for the control and elimination of this dreaded tropical disease will be presented at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) October 21- 23 in Silicon Valley.

River blindness, or onchocerciasis (pronounced on-cho-sir-sy-ah-sis) has been largely neglected because it has no cure while afflicting a million people in Africa.  Black fly bites carry the microbe that forms itchy worms in the human skin and results in blindness after years of suffering.  The new test has been developed by PATH of Seattle, WA.  It will be manufactured and distributed by Standard Diagnostics.

Drugs produced by Merck can kill the enfant worms in early detection, but only control adult worms that live for up to 15 years.  Those afflicted must know when it is safe to stop the treatments.  This new diagnostic field test uses only one drop of blood and will “monitor the transmission of the disease,” says Tala de los Santos, group leader for diagnostics at PATH.  “The test can help provide the evidence” for when the drug administration can be safely stopped” in already afflicted victims.

Speaking by phone from her office in Seattle, de los Santos made her report today on the ScienceNews Radio Network program Promise of Tomorrow with Colonel Mason.  The program originates in Dallas, Texas, and can now be heard Webcast and archived for its world audience.  A photo of de los Santos working in her lab can be seen at a related story in the Examiner.

PATH is an international nonprofit organization that works in more than 70 countries delivering lifesaving vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and devices in collaborative programs with communities.

This is the first time PATH has been featured at the cross-discipline conference on the world’s urgent human necessities.  IEEE’s GHTC will be held October 20 – 23, 2013 in Silicon Valley, San Jose Airport Garden Hotel, California, the third annual.  More information on technical sessions, registration for the conference, hotel reservations and exhibiting is available at the website