IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Technology for the Benefit of Humanity // Villanova University, USA / October 23-26, 2024

Student Paper Contest 2016


Each year IEEE GHTC sponsors a Student Paper Contest. The competition includes the oral presentation of an accepted written paper related to technical, engineering, management, or societal aspects of advancing technology for the benefit of resource-constrained and vulnerable populations around the world. The submission deadline for entries is June 30, 2016. (Same as the GHTC full paper deadline). Please find the below information to participate, and the entry form at the bottom.


  • Be an IEEE student member or graduate student member at the time of the submission.
  • The work presented must be completed before the student receives a baccalaureate or master’s degree that entitles him/her to start preparing a doctoral thesis. A doctoral thesis cannot be considered.
  • At the time of the submission, the student must be registered as an undergraduate or graduate student in a regular course of study in an academic program and carrying more than 50% of a normal full-time load.
  • Be the author or co-author of the paper submitted and have contributed in a meaningful and substantive way to its intellectual content.
  • Will be registered to attend GHTC to present the paper.
  • The work must be novel.
  • Previously submitted or published work is excluded from the contest.


  • Papers should cover technical and engineering aspects of a subject aligned with the 2016 IEEE GHTC tracks.
  • While the work does not have to be original in content, it should be concise and original in how the authors share their contribution to the subject.
  • All papers submitted to the contest must be in English.


  • Those authors selected to make an oral presentation should develop a pleasant and logical presentation of the subject matter for delivery in 15 minutes and answer questions from Jury members for an additional five minutes.
  • An electronic presentation using a presentation tool (e.g. Power Point) and an LCD data projector is preferred. Additional presentation tools may be provided on request if made sufficient time in advance. The presentation provide an overview of the ideas addressed in the paper, and focusing one a small number of specific important issues.


Papers submitted to IEEE GHTC (EDAS ID#) will be subjected to a blind review and will be judged by three international jurors appointed by the GHTC Paper Contest Chair. Five papers will be selected as finalists for presentation at the Student Paper Contest Session and judged by a different international committee appointed by the 2016 GHTC chair, to select the three winners. NOTE: Contest papers will be presented in this Contest Session and will not be in a regular program Track Session. They will qualify for publication.


  • 1st Prize:  750 US$ + Appreciation Certificate
  • 2nd Prize: 500 US$ + Appreciation Certificate
  • 3rd Prize: 250 US$ + Appreciation Certificate

The following criteria will be used to provide a uniform grading standard:

  • Do the authors present independent work?
  • Is a significant amount of the presented work new? Do the authors present a novel interpretation of existing work?
  • Is the subject matter of substantial technical content? Is it presented at an acceptably advanced level?
  • Is the 200-word abstract accurate, informative and concise?
  • Does the written presentation include a satisfactory introduction, which properly orients the reader with respect to the topic(s) addressed by the paper? Does the Conclusion section of the paper summarize the reader’s impression of what the work has accomplished? Are these conclusions supported by evidence?
  • Does the exposition (and subsequent analysis) proceed in an orderly and logical manner? Is the paper self-contained?
  • Does the author exhibit ingenuity and resourcefulness in methods of presentation, choice of illustrations, use of analogies etc.?
  • Is the paper technically accurate?
  • Is an unmistakable meaning conveyed with acceptable brevity?
  • Is the format and typesetting quality of the paper appropriate?

The contributions will be graded as follows:

  • written paper:
    technical content: 45 points maximum,
    technical presentation: 25 points maximum.
  • oral presentation: 30 points maximum.


If you have any questions about the contest please email Dr. Charmayne Hughes (, the Student Paper Contest Chair of IEEE GHTC 2016.


Please fill in this form to enter your paper in the contest.